Marketing Solutions and News from adWhite

HubSpot Integrations We Are LOVING Right Now

Written by Katie Clymer | Saturday, Dec 1, 2018


We have been using Databox for about a year and it really has been an integral part of how we report to our clients on what we do for them. You can easily compare data from multiple sources. It’s awesome. The best part for us is that, once we got it all set up for ourselves, we were able to easily copy those reports over for our clients. Easy to use, easy to read, and easy to send via email.



Loving this. We use Slack alllllll day long, and this just made it more … fun! You can easily assign a HubSpot task to someone via Slack and — voilà — it shows up in HubSpot. It’s a no-brainer. And the best part of the Slack + HubSpot Integration is the notifications for reminders and form submissions. We just started using the integration for online chatting alerts and it’s AWESOME. This one is a MUST!


Lucky Orange

Okay, are you familiar with Lucky Orange? If the answer is no, then you need to check it out pronto. But be prepared and clear your calendar for the day because you will spend the next few hours freaking out at the technology. To say we went into a major black hole of fascination when we downloaded this software is an understatement. It’s the closest to being an undercover agent that I think we will ever be. You have a front-row seat at a recording of someone viewing your website. For real. You can see which buttons their mouse lingers on. How would this be helpful? Well, for one, you can see what is prohibiting potential clients from submitting a form — are they filling a form out and then getting to a required field and abandoning ship? Has a client said he had issues on your website? Now you can go watch the recording and see what went wrong. The uses and data are endless.


This is just a short list of the integrations we are using daily to help improve the way we work while providing better results for our clients. Which integrations do you find useful? Shoot us a note and let us know.