
The Art of the (virtual) Elevator Speech
An elevator speech at networking events is a key part of managing your message and spreading it to others. This concept is no less important in the realm of social media, while it may seem difficult to translate it to such a platform. We’re here to answer your questions to make the process seamless.
Where do I put my elevator speech?
The “About” sectionOn Twitter, this would be your profile. The About section may be found in different places on each profile (on LinkedIn, it’s under the “Home” section), but it’s typically the first thing potential customers look for.
Make sure your about section is visible to everyone. You can change this in your privacy settings. That way, people that don’t already like your page can get the information from a general search.
What needs to be in it?
What your business does
Who it serves
How it serves
Why it serves
Note: This content is different from a sales pitch. You haven’t won that key meeting yet, so this is an opportunity to get someone interested in hearing your pitch.
How long does it need to be?
Relatively short (I recommend 6-7 sentences)
Sum up the previous 3 questions succinctly and with a concrete example or two. These sentences can be divided into short paragraphs for emphasis, if that’s your writing style. Similar to resume writing, you must get the point across quickly because you don’t have a lot of time to impress the reader. Give them enough to get them interested, but don’t waste time and energy giving everything away; peak their interest and they will come to you.
How do I end it?
Tell the reader to contact your company today for more information, or lead them to your website.
Note: Make sure you leave all contact information. If someone has read this far, you would normally give them your business card; this essentially emulates that act.
Pressed for time? adWhite marketing and design does all of this in house, so contact us for more information. Until then, we hope this helps!
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