
5 Quick Ways to Upgrade your Online Marketing
2020 has gotten off to a rough start for everyone.
Who would have thought at the start of the year that the United States would be issuing "shelter in place" orders? Many of us find ourselves working from home. Trade shows and conventions are canceled. Schools are closed. We are all trying to figure out the best way to operate in the new reality/current environment.
Marketers are now, more so than ever, trying to figure out - what next? Do I adjust my annual objectives and/or pivot our strategy from offline to online?
While you're rethinking how to work efficiently during this unprecedented time, here are five quick wins you can implement now to improve how your digital marketing serves you.
1. Dust off that Mailing List
Remember that email marketing campaign that you said you wanted to build but never got around to? This is the time. You might already have a list; take this time to create filters and segmentation. You might just find that you have an arsenal ready to deploy that brings you closer to your customers. If you don't have an existing list, identify who your target audience is. Use smart, cost effective ways to build a list online.
2. Clean up your Social Media Presence
So your intern set up your Instagram and Twitter from a while back - this is the time to revisit those accounts. Have you set up a company profile on LinkedIn? Have you invited people in your network or industries to like your Page? In the time where most people are spending more time on their mobile phones and tablets than ever, don't forget that you have these alternative channels of communications that are at your fingertips.
3. Website Conversions
For some companies, their website is an after thought. You visit your clients regularly and rely on word-of-mouth. Now that we are not able to stay in contact face-to-face, it's time to make sure that your website is optimized for both search and conversion on the actual pages. By learning who is coming to your website, how often, which pages are they visiting, you can then have a better understanding of how to leverage the impressions that you are getting to further grow your business.
4. Community Outreach and PR
Beyond sending your employees to work from home if you are in an industry that can afford to do so, there are many parts of the community that need support. Perhaps your company hasn't officially created a give-back program. This is a great time to start! Not only does it build trust within the local community, but it gets the word out about your business. Some ideas include donating to local food banks or pick a charity to support. Don't forget to have your employees participate and share on your social media channels. Tag others and challenge them to join you.
5. Digital Tools and Processes
Many of our clients are used to measuring the performance of their team by whether they show up from 9-5. In the remote work environment, many people find themselves having to adapt by speaking with their colleagues over teleconferencing tools and tracking their tasks on Project Management tools. This is also the case between you and your clients. Without being able to reach them through traditional channels, offering online options are extremely important:
- Is there a live chat function on your website?
- Is the contact information clearly listed on your website of who is in charge of different departments?
- Can your prospects book time on the calendar of a sales person directly without having to go back and forth or get routed through an admin?
There is a saying in Chinese that 'a crisis is also an opportunity.' Even after the pandemic is over, we see lots of opportunities to better leverage online tools that make it easier for you to build rapport with your customers. By examining some of the above mentioned elements in your current marketing plan, you'll be able to test what works best for your company and clientele. You can put new habits and processes into place that could have a long term benefit.
If you feel like you need a partner to guide you, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team.
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