
LinkedIn Verified

LinkedIn's New Verification System: Building Professional Trust

Badges? Badges! Do we need more badges?
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Google Search Operators: Navigating the Internet Wilderness

Person drinking coffee doing a Google Search
There was a time when “Googling” something was so straightforward that “Google” the noun became “google” the verb, joining the Oxford Englis...
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Is it Time to Bounce the Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate
Web analytic metrics can range from the essential to the superfluous and everything in between.
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What is CAPTCHA? How Does it Work and is it Effective?

I am not a robot
You may find it challenging or amusing or frustrating or possibly all three, but a fact of digital life is solving those “I am not a robot!”...
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How Social Media is Shifting Sales and Business

Closeup of blond girl doing online shopping
Social media is fundamentally reshaping the way businesses promote their products and connect with customers. Even before the COVID-19 pande...
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