

6 min read
GEO Targeting

Generative Engine Optimization: Exploring the New Search Landscape

Inbound marketing has a lot in common with the “Seven Dwarfs” from “Snow White” … and I’m not just saying this because depending on what number cup of coffee I’ve had in the morning my personality can range anywhere from “Sleepy” to “Grumpy” to “Happy”!

No, I make the comparison with the Disney classic because, like those lovable Dwarfs, marketing teams must rise and shine and put in the hard work every day, using their tools to unearth those content diamonds that will make their clients shine.

Of course, instead of working in a mine, most marketers work in the cloud and our “shovels and picks” have been digital toolboxes aimed at traditional Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but artificial intelligence (AI) has reshaped the search landscape.

Today, “It’s heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It’s off to AI we go!”

Generative Engine Optimization (GEO), powered by AI natural language processing (NLP), is forcing marketers to adapt new strategies as AI algorithms are providing more and more answers to questions and queries posed on Google and other search engines.

In this digital-first world of ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Copilot, Perplexity, and dozens of other NLP models you have yet to hear of, understanding the concept of GEO is important to marketers helping their clients navigate this new terrain.

Understanding Google's AI Overviews (formerly SGE)

Google's AI Overviews, previously known as Search Generative Experience (SGE), represents a significant shift in how search engines operate.

This AI-powered system generates concise summaries and answers to user queries, pulling information from various sources across the web.

For example: When I ask Google “What is SGE?” … The top result returned is a concise answer from “Search Labs: AI Overview.”

For companies, this means that traditional search engine results pages (SERPs) are evolving, and the way users interact with search results is changing dramatically.

Google’s own generative AI says that “AI Overviews could reduce the need for users to click through to websites by providing answers directly in search results. Early testing suggests a potential 18 to 64 percent decrease in organic traffic for some websites, especially those targeting informational queries.”

AI Overviews work by understanding the intent behind user queries and generating relevant, synthesized information.

This system aims to provide users with quick, accurate answers without the need to click through multiple websites. For businesses, this underscores the importance of having high-quality, authoritative content that AI systems can easily understand and utilize.

The Rise (And Shine) of AI in Search

The integration of AI into search engines has been rapid and transformative. Just a few years ago, AI's role in search was limited to improving algorithms and refining results.

It’s staggering to think that it’s been less than two years since the launch of ChatGPT on Nov. 30, 2022.

Today, AI is at the forefront of search, generating content, understanding complex queries, and even engaging in conversational interactions with users.

This shift has profound implications for digital marketing.

“The integration of AI is reshaping the digital marketing environment, promising a transformative shift in how businesses engage with their audiences and deliver compelling messages,” says an Entrepreneur article from January 2024.

Traditional SEO strategies, while still important, are no longer sufficient on their own. Marketers must now consider how their content will be interpreted and presented by AI systems, giving rise to the field of Generative Engine Optimization.

New Kid on the Block: Defining GEO in Detail

Generative Engine Optimization (GEO) is the practice of optimizing digital content to improve its performance in AI-powered search environments.

The term GEO (yep, it’s a bit confusing as it appears to have more in common with mining than digital marketing) can be traced back to a paper published on arXiv by a team that includes authors from Princeton.

“With generative engines here to stay, we must ensure the creator economy is not disadvantaged. To address this, we introduce Generative Engine Optimization (GEO), the first novel paradigm to aid content creators in improving their content visibility in generative engine responses through a flexible black-box optimization framework for optimizing and defining visibility metrics,” wrote the authors in the research abstract.

Unlike traditional SEO, which focuses on ranking in traditional search results, GEO aims to make content more likely to be used by AI systems in generating responses to user queries.

GEO works by focusing on factors that AI systems prioritize, such as content accuracy, relevance, and authoritativeness. It involves structuring information in ways that are easily digestible for AI, using clear language, and providing comprehensive coverage of topics.

GEO vs. SEO: Two Ways to Increase Visibility in Search

While GEO and SEO share the ultimate goal of increasing visibility in search, they differ in several key aspects:

  • Similarities:
    • Both aim to improve content quality and relevance.

    • Both require an understanding of user intent.

    • Both involve optimizing for specific keywords or topics.
  • Differences:
    • SEO focuses on traditional ranking factors, while GEO prioritizes AI-friendly content structure.

    • SEO targets clickthrough rates, while GEO aims for content inclusion in AI-generated responses.

    • SEO often involves technical optimizations (e.g., site speed), while GEO emphasizes semantic structure and content depth.

“Both GEO and SEO are cornerstones of modern digital marketing,” explains Search Engine Land. “While SEO has traditionally helped brands increase visibility on search engines like Google and Microsoft Bing, GEO is transforming how brands appear on AI-driven platforms.”

Key Factors Affecting AI Responses

Several factors influence the quality and relevance of AI-generated responses:

  • Content Quality: AI systems prioritize well-written, accurate, and comprehensive content.

  • Topical Authority: Websites and content that demonstrate expertise in specific areas are more likely to be used as sources.

  • Content Structure: Information that is well-organized and easily parsable by AI is preferred.

  • User Intent Alignment: Content that closely matches the implied intent behind user queries performs better.

  • Freshness and Updates: Recent and regularly updated content is often favored, especially for time-sensitive topics.

Why should you pay attention to the factors that can affect your clients placement in AI responses? Because, as Search Engine Journal said in an article last month, “being the cited source is quickly becoming the new form of ranking. As AI looks to cite trustworthy and relevant content, brands need to be the source. While every engine has a different approach, the reality is that success relies on sources and quality.”

Optimizing GEO Efforts: Boost Visibility Up to 40 Percent

The research paper that helped coin GEO as a term says that “Geo can boost visibility by up to 40 percent in generative engine responses.”

Specifically, the research paper argues that three methods to optimize GEO efforts include adding relevant statistics, incorporating credible quotes, and including citations from reliable sources.

To improve GEO performance, let’s look closer and examine some best practices:

  • Enhance Content Quality and Credibility
    • Cite Authoritative Sources: Include citations from reputable sources to boost your content's credibility and visibility. (Your Starbucks barista may have some hot takes, but not be an authoritative source!) This validates your claims and connects your content to established research or facts.

    • Incorporate Statistics: Add relevant quantitative data to support your arguments. Using hard numbers strengthens your points and makes your content more convincing and informative.

    • Use Relevant Quotations: Include pertinent quotes from experts or relevant sources to add depth and authority to your content. This provides diverse perspectives and enhances credibility.
  • Optimize Content Structure and Language
    • Improve Fluency: Ensure your content flows smoothly and is free from grammatical errors (yes, spelling counts!). Well-crafted sentences enhance readability and user experience.

    • Simplify Complex Concepts: Make your content easy to understand by breaking down complex ideas into accessible language. This increases engagement and reduces bounce rates.

    • Use Technical Terms Appropriately: Incorporate technical terms when relevant to showcase expertise in your subject matter. This can help target a more specialized audience and improve GEO for niche queries.
  • Keyword and Content Strategy
    • Strategic Keyword Integration: Key words may not hold the same sway as in traditional SEO but in GEO incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content while maintaining a natural flow and readability. Avoid over-optimization (keyword stuffing!) that could lead to penalties.

    • Focus on User Intent: You don’t have to walk a mile in their shoes, but you should tailor your content to fulfill the purpose behind users' search queries. This approach helps you stay ahead of evolving algorithms.

    • Create Domain-Specific Content: Make targeted adjustments to your content based on your specific domain or industry. Different GEO techniques excel in particular domains, so customize your approach accordingly.
  • Leverage Multimedia and Distribution
    • Embrace Diverse Content Formats: Incorporate visual and interactive elements like videos, infographics, and quizzes to engage both human readers and AI-driven search engines. Think of it as a digital buffet, something for every taste.

    • Distribute Content Widely: Share your content on various platforms, including social media and community sites like Reddit and Quora. This maximizes your ability to influence AI-generated responses to relevant questions.

Strategies for Marketing Firms

As inbound marketing professionals, there are several strategies you can employ to help your clients succeed in the age of GEO:

  • Conduct AI-focused content audits to identify opportunities for optimization.

  • Develop content strategies that prioritize comprehensive topic coverage and clear information structure.

  • Implement FAQ sections that directly address common user queries in your clients' niches.

  • Utilize AI tools to analyze and improve content for better AI comprehension.

  • Monitor AI-generated results for your clients' key topics and adapt strategies accordingly.

  • Educate clients on the importance of GEO and how it complements existing SEO efforts.

  • Develop metrics and reporting methods that track performance in AI-generated results.

All of this is evolving in real-time (or what seems like hyper-speed).

Heck, even Snow White, based on a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, evolved and continues to evolve. First published in 1812, the dwarfs did not have names until a 1912 Broadway production (and they were Blick, Flick, Glick, Snick, Pick, Which, and Quee – when you win your next trivia night, you can Venmo a thank you!).

GEO represents a significant shift in the digital marketing landscape.

As AI continues to play a larger role in search, marketing firms must adapt their strategies to ensure their clients remain visible and relevant.

Creating high-quality, AI-friendly content while staying informed and flexible will lead to success for your clients in this new GEO era.