
LinkedIn Verified

LinkedIn's New Verification System: Building Professional Trust

Badges? Badges! Do we need more badges?
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Updating Your B2B Social Media Voice for Younger Generations

Man holding smart phone that says OK BOOMER
Listen up Fam. Your B-2-B social media boujee marketing targeted mostly to Boomers might not be so dank to Gen Z and Millennials. Maybe it’s...
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Social Media is Dying! (Not really! It’s Just Used Less & Differently)

You see that! All we had to do was write “Social Media is Dying!” and you had to click. It’s also not likely that this is your first “Social...
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Marketing Challenges Predicted for 2024: AI, Google’s EEAT & More!

Challenge Concept
The calendar years may change but the marketing merry-go-round continues the same with small and medium-sized companies continually chasing ...
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How Social Media is Shifting Sales and Business

Closeup of blond girl doing online shopping
Social media is fundamentally reshaping the way businesses promote their products and connect with customers. Even before the COVID-19 pande...
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