
Why Landing Pages Can Increase Conversion Rates, Generate More Leads
The humble landing page, often overlooked in a marketing strategy, is a great way for your business to increase conversion rates and generate more leads.
“Since landing pages are tailored to customer interests, using them in your marketing strategy can help you convert a significant number of qualified prospects since you can assume that they’re ending up on a landing page because its content interests them,” writes Flori Needle for HubSpot.
A landing page – which can go by different names such as destination page, squeeze page, static page, single property page, or lead capture page – is a standalone website page designed for a specific marketing campaign with a goal to convert site visitors into leads.
What Exactly are Landing Pages?
“Landing pages are a crucial part of every inbound marketing strategy because they’re used to generate high-quality leads,” Dave Sutton writes in “7 Inbound Marketing Strategies for 2021 (and Beyond) in Business 2 Community in October.
Once visitors “land” on these landing pages, they are usually offered something of value or interest such as a free trial or demo, eBook, white paper, webinar, video, newsletter, or some other relevant content piece.
Landing pages, unlike your website homepage which must multitask and handle many goals, is laser focused on a primary call to action (CTA).
Internet legend has it that Microsoft is responsible for the advent of the landing page. The IT giant was having trouble selling its Office product in 2003 and developed a separate mini “website” designed specifically to tout its Microsoft Office software.
11 Reasons You Need Landing Pages in 2021
Landing pages have come a long way since 2003. In the early days the pages were truly static, and many were more online carnival barkers than professional content.
Today, thanks to years of research and the use of A/B testing, website designers and marketing teams have homed in on how to craft effective landing pages.
Perhaps no software firm has researched and analyzed landing pages more than HubSpot, which is why it’s helpful to pay attention when they present “11 Stats That Make a Case for Landing Pages.”
The eye-opening stats from HubSpot:
- The average landing page conversion rate across all industries is 2.35 percent with the top 25 percent converting at 5.31 percent or higher and the top 10 percent converting at an incredible 11.45 percent or higher.
- Omnisend analyzed 128,000 email campaigns and found that landing pages are the least popular type of sign-up form, but they have the highest conversion rate (23 percent), much higher than the most popular sign-up form with a 3 percent conversion rate. The most popular combination is to ask for email address and name followed by asking for email address and birthdate.
- Businesses using optimization software for their landing pages see an average conversion lift of 30 percent, according to landing page platform firm unbounce.
- Addressing buyer fears and reservations on landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80 percent, according to sales and marketing guru Marcus Sheridan.
- Personalized CTAs convert 202 percent better than default versions, according to a study of more than 330,000 CTAs.
- 48 percent of the top landing pages ranked in Google Maps and organic search query results, according to data gathered from top ranking websites across five industries in the 50 largest metro areas in the U.S. Research also found that 86 percent of top landing pages were mobile friendly.
- That same study in the 50 largest U.S. metro areas by Nifty, found that 76 percent have their location in the title tag, and 66 percent of landing pages have their business name in the title tag.
- Again, from the same Nifty study, 25 percent of top landing pages use video content.
- That Nifty study also found that 37 percent of top landing pages have testimonials, an increase of 3 percent from a previous study.
- eBook offers accounted for 55 percent of the top landing page submission on the HubSpot blog.
- When it comes to their primary objective for digital marketing plans, landing pages were in the spotlight with marketers citing “increasing sales leads generated” 54 percent followed by “increasing customer acquisition” 49 percent, and “increasing customer engagement” 43 percent.
“Considering the above stats,” HubSpot said. “We can see that marketers who create landing pages that build trust with page visitors, provide valuable information, and use different content types see higher conversion rates.”
Contact adWhite today to find out more about how our dedicated team can help your business cultivate long-term relationships and build trust with effective inbound marketing that includes landing pages and other relevant content.
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