
adWhite History and Importance of Website Accessibility Standards Man Using Specially Designed Keyboard

The History and Importance of Website Accessibility Standards

Making sure your business website is accessible to those with disabilities is not only morally and ethically the right thing to do but it can help you avoid legal trouble while building brand loyalty by making your products and services eas...
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Resurgence of QR Codes and Why This Matters for Your Marketing

adWhite Resurgence of QR Codes and Why This Matters for your Marketing Image of Phone Scanning QR Code on Restaurant Table
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic QR codes seemed a bit silly or superfluous. QR codes were in worldwide use before the dawn of the new millenn...
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Core Web Vitals Explained

adWhite marketing Core Web Vitals Explained Close of of Laptops and Coworkers' Hands Taking Notes
Google will complete an algorithm update by the end of August 2021 that will incorporate new user experience (UX) metrics into its page expe...
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5 Essential Social Media Marketing Tips Your Brand Should Focus On

adWhite Five Essential Social Media Marketing Tips Icons for Social Media Platforms
There may have been a time when you could afford to delegate your neglected social media marketing to the summer intern and hope they came u...
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Gated vs. Ungated Content: What is Right for Your Business

adWhite marketing gated or ungated content decision photo of locked gate
Google inbound marketing trends and you might believe that “gated content is dead” or at least quickly becoming as obsolete as landlines, DV...
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