
Leverage the Impact of Social Media
You may have read Taylor’s post on how adWhite started out as a “full-service” advertising agency and transitioned into an Inbound Marketing Agency. But let’s take a quick look at one particular component that drives us.
In two words: social media.
What comes to mind when you think about social media? Do you think of connecting with your grandchildren and seeing pictures of your loved ones? Are you thinking about posting that delicious baguette that you just had? Maybe you think about taking and sharing selfies with your friends?
Either way, what we do know is that it's important to leverage the impact of social media insights to inform content and messaging strategy.
According to Statista, as of 2018, 77% of the United States population had a social media profile.
Data is growing at an unprecedented rate, and by the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet. This is largely due to people sharing much-loved content online.
While sharing selfies and brunch photos are still happening in real time, there are also meaningful and engaging conversations happening that brands can harness for strategic social media interactions.
If your brand isn't analyzing what's happening in your social threads, it's possible that you're missing the connection opportunities. It's also a much faster way to gain insights compared to extensive research and surveys that marketers used to rely on.
Social data helps us connect the dots of experience from your brand or product to your customer. It's important to have a brand essence — and that you're a part of that story.
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