

Getting to Know LinkedIn

I'm on LinkedIn...finally!!! I'm a little behind the times, that's OK, I can handle that. I've been active on a few other social channels - Instagram and Twitter - for some time. I never got a Facebook account, and it looks like I made the ...
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The Power of Social Media Planning

Planning is obviously important when it comes to how your business operates - and it applies to social media as well. You probably know what...
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5 Marketing Tricks to Try With Your Instagram Business Account

Hashtags written on multiple blue road sign
In the words of the infamous Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
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Facebook Page Role Invitation/Request Issues

Like piece of paper with blue background
Having issues with page role requests on your company Facebook page? Don't worry, you're not alone. Unfortunately this happens pretty often,...
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The Good Side of Social Media

This is a little bit of a self-help post. I'm a mother of two teenagers, so I'm well aware of the bad side of social media. However, I'm als...
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