
person creating an avatar

What is the Metaverse and What Does it Mean for My Small Business?

Before Oct. 28, 2021, talk of the metaverse was mostly confined to “Ready Player One” fanboys and “Second Life” residents. On that day, however, the metaverse became the word of the year, per the Financial Times, when Facebook announced a n...
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What is Cache & How Does It Improve Your Website Browsing Experience?

Cache - word graphic
Forget Bitcoin, in the digital world “cache” is still king! That’s right, if you need to Google why your Gen Z offspring want you to put you...
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Making Your Marketing Dollars Count: Where to Focus in 2022

What's Your Plan with Local Search Marketing wording on Sky Background,
No business exists in a vacuum so it's paramount to know what your competitors and others in your industry are doing in terms of products, s...
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LinkedIn Ads Can Be a Powerful Way to Advertise Your Business

desk with keyboard with LinkedIn logo
With Spotify currently amid a social media flap it seems that no app or platform has resisted the urge to wittingly, or unwittingly, touch t...
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GoDaddy: Hack Exposes Customer Data of 1.2 Million WordPress Users

young man on keyboard
While most of the country was getting ready for Thanksgiving, GoDaddy, one of the biggest web hosting providers in the world, notified the S...
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