

Is the 👍 Really Dead? And Other 🔥 Emoji Questions You Have!

If you were 😢 in your ☕ because you heard that the 👍 emoji was “canceled” then you can relax the next time you text or email … but, beware, you just might be showing your age!
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Consistent Brand Voice & Tone Can Help Cut Through the Digital Clutter

laptop with Digital Clutter
Charles Dickens was born about 200 years too early to enjoy the pleasures of getting in Twitter fights with book reviewers and fellow author...
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Pro Tips for Social Media Marketing on Instagram

girl holding sign with 341
Instagram now boasts 1.3 billion users worldwide, making social media marketing on the platform a must for businesses of all sizes, from Wal...
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What is the Metaverse and What Does it Mean for My Small Business?

person creating an avatar
Before Oct. 28, 2021, talk of the metaverse was mostly confined to “Ready Player One” fanboys and “Second Life” residents. On that day, howe...
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LinkedIn Ads Can Be a Powerful Way to Advertise Your Business

desk with keyboard with LinkedIn logo
With Spotify currently amid a social media flap it seems that no app or platform has resisted the urge to wittingly, or unwittingly, touch t...
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